Unic Projects
Unic Projects
Our work with optical fibers focuses on implementing the optimal path for connecting various buildings within urban or rural areas. We carefully design routes that ensure cost-efficiency and network reliability, taking into account geographical, infrastructural, and regulatory constraints. Using powerful tools like QGIS for geographic data analysis and AutoCAD for precise technical drawings, we are able to map out and plan the most efficient fiber optic routes. This process allows us to minimize disruptions, reduce installation costs, and maximize the performance and longevity of the network. By combining advanced technologies and strategic planning, we deliver high-quality, customized solutions that meet the specific needs of each project.
Ky proces na lejon të minimizojmë ndërprerjet, të ulim kostot e instalimit dhe të maksimizojmë performancën dhe jetëgjatësinë e rrjetit. Duke kombinuar teknologji të avancuara dhe planifikim strategjik, ne ofrojmë zgjidhje cilësore dhe të personalizuara që plotësojnë nevojat specifike të çdo projekti.
Quality services from Studio Radar
St. Barrikadave, Palace Albsig, Floor 4, Tirana